Future Development

Aiming at Global Competition
In order to reduce the production costs and enhance product competitiveness, Fair Friend Group started the construction of its subsidiary in China. “ Hangzhou Good Friend Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.” at XiaoshanIndustrial Park in southern China was established in 1993. Good Friend has started production in September of 2002 and will soon be serving the huge market in China. Also in 1996, Fair Friend Group acquired SakazakiMachinery Co., Ltd. in order to gain access to the manufacturing technology and R&D ability of high accuracy Japanese machine tools. This acquisition is contributing toward the strong technical support for both Taiwan and China operations. By combining the capital, technology, and market territory of Taiwan and Japan, as well as integrating the advantages of different regions, Fair Friend's machine tools products will be more internationalized and thus become a major player in the global machine tools market. And then, we’re rapidly integrate industrial advantages of various regions. At the same time, we also establish the global industrial division in China, Japan and Taiwan.
According to above strategries, FEELER keep growing day by day with the development of global industrial dividion. We use two main strategies “Joint Venture & M&A” to our business in Europe and America. Continued expand global deployment by acquiring Honsberg and SMS (The oldest machine tool company in Germany and America). Besides, we’re also cooperated with Japanese famous company (TOYOTA TSUSHO and Citizen Watch…..etc.) to develop new production for specific market via joint venture.
About the future business strategies and goals, FEELER will continue joint venture and M&A, which are our two main strategies, to approach the goal of global deployment and develop high-end products line via technology transfer. Finally, we'll make FEELER become more international and competitive via the integration of group sources in order to improve production efficiency and meet the goal of cost reduction.